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"The innovation pipeline is cyclical, regenerative, and rooted in anti-racist design."

The innovation pipeline is cyclical, regenerative, and rooted in anti-racist design. Though the entire process is cyclical, one "wave" through the pipeline can be distilled into this process: 

Concept Identification → Concept Refinement→ 90 Day Test 

Most concepts that move through our pipeline begin very big. As the concept moves through the pipeline it is refined into a testable hypothesis. A filtration system we call Concept Refinement. What we "catch" within the filter is just as important as the hypothesis itself. 

The refinement process produces a solid body of research and many potential hypotheses. These pathways of knowledge are captured in accessible archives that are publicly available, an essential process to encourage radical ideas for social change to live and multiply outside of this team. 

In this section you can explore our process and the tools we use along the way so that you may navigate our archives.


Concept Identification 

Our archiving process begins with concept identification. Here we capture how an idea came
Potential concept champions fill out an application based on the Decision Matrix
Concept champions meet w/ R&D team to discuss application and determine if concept should move to refinement 


Concept Refinement 

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90 Day Test

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Archiving Process

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